June 15, 2011

Red and Yellow, Black and White

I am reminded by this video with sweet lyrics about how Jesus loves each and every one of us, from all around the world!

My siblings, being Chinese, have taught me first hand, that no matter your background- EVERYONE can worship Jesus! How sweet it is to have a mixed-culture family, and see Abbie and Andrew's lives SAVED (literally) from China's communist and non-Christian nation.

Abbie serving a leper colony in China

I live in Australia, where the Indigenous population is quite prevalent. Living amongst Aboriginals and being able to serve them in Churchfreo each Sunday and in our community. Pictured below are some of our special friends that attend church each Sunday. How sweet it is to all worship the same God. The ONE TRUE GOD!

Churchfreo Gathering
 Praise the One who bore my debt and raised His life up from the dead!

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